The Vetiver Network International

Mining Wastes

Vetiver System for Mine Rehabilitation and Treatment of related Toxic Chemicals and Heavy Metals

Vetiver Grass Technology for Rehabilitation of Mining Wastes and Tailings –  VS_mine2.pdf (

Mine & Associated Rehabilitation Projects in Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands At large Industrial Scale Application  VS_mine3.pdf (

A progressive worldwide increase in metalliferous mining in recent years opens up a vast range of prospects for IVT application.

The advantages of using the vetiver system for mine rehabilitation:

1. Containment: erosion and sediment control of waste rock dump and infrastructure

2. Clean up: control/reducing the contaminated materials from spreading to the environment by phytoremediation

3. VGT is natural: no secondary by-products are produced and can be grazed by livestock.

Photo 1 Open cut Bauxite Mining at Los Pijiguaos, Venezuela (pH 4-5; Rainfall 2 400-2 900mm/y). Before and After VGT establishment (Vetiver Anti-Erosion) — Before and at planting vetiver
Photo 2 Same mine site with established vetiver

NICKEL MINE REHABILITATION IN THE PHILIPPINES Mary Noah Manarang established a vetiver-based company in the Philippines over 15 years ago. Today the company, BioSolutions, is active in many environmental mitigation programs. The company completed a nickel mining project in the south of the Philippines. See the excellent quality of work performed by this company (MB1.7).  See more.