The success or failure of Vetiver System applications depends on the quality of application and the knowledge, experience and competence of the person(s) undertaking the design and application of the work. TVNI set up a system of certification to recognize technical excellence at two levels.
(A) In recognition of technical excellence in Research, Development and Application of the Vetiver System, TVNI may award individuals, organizations and companies a Certificate of Excellence in one or multiple areas:
- Soil & moisture conservation (on-farm and/or off-farm, watershed protection, land, gully, and waterway protection
- Environmental management (disturbed land reclamation, carbon sequestration, biofuel, etc.)
- Research
- Nursery, propagation and supply
- Alternative uses (handicrafts, medicinal uses, landscaping, others)
- Community involvement & extension.
(B) Professional Certification: Bio-engineering and/or Phytoremediation applications are not included in the above list. This is because certification in these two areas require specialized professional skills and experience in design and application to assure success and prevention of costly failures. Such certification is made under separate guidelines under the title “Professional Certification.”
Application Form
(must be completed)
Certificate Holders
List 1 by Name, Application and Country .
Example of Application
for Certificate of Excellence