The Vetiver Network International

Newsletter – The Vetiver System in 2024 (NL 2024-12)

The Vetiver System in 2024 As we come to the end of 2024 – which marked about 40 years since John Greenfield and Dick Grimshaw began to explore the use of Vetiver grass as an alternative to structural soil and moisture conservation practices in India – it is deeply satisfying to see that, by all appearances, not only has interest in the Vetiver System continued to expand globally, but that the use of VS has continued to gain traction as a sustainable and effective approach for addressing a wide range of environmental challenges around the globe.… Read the rest “Newsletter – The Vetiver System in 2024 (NL 2024-12)”

Slope Stabilization and Land Restoration (mining) in China

Feng Ziyuan who owns and manages the oldest vetiver service company in China (more than 20 years) has been a serious contributor to the advancement of the Vetiver System. He sets high standards resulting in above average VS applications, and he has been generous in sharing his results. This short presentation “Vetiver System Technology Application” that he made recently relates to his slope stabilization, mine, and gully restoration applications . Feng is also involved with the deign and execution of phytoremedial applications of vetiver for the treatment of waste and other contaminated water.… Read the rest “Slope Stabilization and Land Restoration (mining) in China”

Newsletter – Vetiver and Youth, Bio-engineering, Wastewater Treatment, Global Feedback (NL 2024-11)

This newsletter addresses Vetiver and youth, global outreach, feedback from users, and research news. Sharing experiences and information. The more this group and other vetiver users share their experiences the more people will use the technology. I see this happening in many countries and regions, recently especially in Latin America, India, Kenya, and Vietnam.   Key users, often with different approaches, are making real progress and creating interest for others. Sharing/information sources of current note include: the monthly webinar series “Conversatorio” hosted by Yorlene Cruz (Coordinator of the Costa Rica and member of Latin Vetiver Networks) are posted on TVNI’s Youtube channel;  the new Facebook page – Vetiver in Kenya – attracts a growing readership;  India’s Agricultural World Whatsapp, AW#VETIVER forum,  focusing on “all things vetiver” is expanding and contains lively discussion on a range of vetiver topics and applications.… Read the rest “Newsletter – Vetiver and Youth, Bio-engineering, Wastewater Treatment, Global Feedback (NL 2024-11)”

Black Cotton Soils (Vertisols) and the Vetiver System

What follows is a reprint of a note by the late John Greenfield on conservation practices for black cotton soils (vertisols) – It should be an interest too many of you.   I was faced with the problems of managing black cotton soils in the early 50s in Australia while working with the Soil Conservation Service. Overnight, a heavy storm had wiped out a large area of a farmers wheat crop and fence line leaving gullies several meters deep.… Read the rest “Black Cotton Soils (Vertisols) and the Vetiver System”

Vetiver Grass Technology – Carbon Farming Management – Research – Global Outreach – Feedback (NL 2024-10)

CARBON FARMING FOR FARMERS – MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES “Soil organic matter is the elixir of life” . … Rattan Lal “A healthy soil should contain 2-4% Soil Organic Matter (SOM) half of which is Soil Organic Carbon.” The Potential of Regenerative Agriculture for Carbon Management and Sustainability  This (18 min) video by Dr Rattan Lal – — the World’s leading soil scientist, World Food prize winner, and Director of Rattan Lal Carbon Management and Sequestration Center (Ohio State University) — is recommended as an introduction to soil and carbon.… Read the rest “Vetiver Grass Technology – Carbon Farming Management – Research – Global Outreach – Feedback (NL 2024-10)”

Costa Rica: biological control of an insect pest on Vetiver; Colombia: Vetiver history; Vetiver research trends; Vetiver oil’s medicinal potential; USA & India: Vetiver initiatives; USA: Vetiver for climate resilient infrastructure (NL 2024-09)

A well-planted Vetiver hedgerow Costa Rica: biological control of spittlebugs (Aeneolamia spp, Prosapia spp.) in Vetiver / Control biológico de salivazo en Vetiver The following article comes from Yorlene Cruz in Costa Rica. Yorlene is the owner/founder of Vetiver Systems Costa Rica, the organizer and host of the monthly “Conversatorios Virtuales Latinoamericano Vetiver”, TVNI’s Costa Rica Coordinator, and a Director of TVNI. For more details see the full write up of this case study (in Spanish) and a video that shows the affected plantings.… Read the rest “Costa Rica: biological control of an insect pest on Vetiver; Colombia: Vetiver history; Vetiver research trends; Vetiver oil’s medicinal potential; USA & India: Vetiver initiatives; USA: Vetiver for climate resilient infrastructure (NL 2024-09)”

The Broken Hydrological (Water) Cycle — and Feedback from Vetiver users (NL 2024-08)

The Broken Hydrological (Water) Cycle. Summer is always a rather slow time for exchanging vetiver information –  a time to relax and reflect.  I have been re-reading Charles Massy’s book “Call of the Reed Warbler” (available from It makes an interesting read (focusing primarily on his own country, Australia) about landscapes that were once in balance with nature, but, since colonization and the introduction of European agricultural methods, have been changed and destroyed, particularly the soils and related water balances.… Read the rest “The Broken Hydrological (Water) Cycle — and Feedback from Vetiver users (NL 2024-08)”

Vetiver Roots as a temporary carbon sink, China Vetiver Network publications, Vetiver and Women, & Vetiver and Regenerative Ag – a bi-national program (NL-2024-07)

Vetiver Roots as a temporary carbon sink Source: Wilson, B., Daniel, H., and Baldock, J.A. 2022. Functional Links between Biomass Production and Decomposition of Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) Grass in Three Australian Soils. Plants 2022, 11(6), 778; In the broader discussion of the Vetiver System’s relevance in managing the impacts of climate change, this author’s view is that the focus should be on VGT applications for climate change adaptation, with greatest urgency being to support rural communities and smallholder and rainfed farmers in the Global South,  followed by protecting vulnerable lands and making critical infrastructure climate resilient. … Read the rest “Vetiver Roots as a temporary carbon sink, China Vetiver Network publications, Vetiver and Women, & Vetiver and Regenerative Ag – a bi-national program (NL-2024-07)”

The Vetiver System – A Changing Perspective. (NL-2024-05/06)

The Vetiver System – A Changing Perspective Ethiopia – old constructed terraces retrofitted with vetiver hedgerows located on edge of riser greatly improves efficiency of terrace both for soil and water conservation When John Greenfield and I introduced vetiver grass hedgerows to Indian Watershed development projects in the 1980’s the objective was to replace poorly designed — high maintenance, high cost conservation structures (graded contour engineered  terraces) that did not perform well either for soil conservation or rainfall loss reduction — with a low cost and effective biological system that mimicked nature – the vetiver grass contour hedge.… Read the rest “The Vetiver System – A Changing Perspective. (NL-2024-05/06)”

Mitigating heat and drought in Vietnam using Vetiver Grass

Ngô Đức Thọ is an engineer, and is the Coordinator for the Vietnam Vetiver Network and a TVNI farm advisor. He is also the founder and administrator of a very successful Facebook group — Vietnam Vetiver Farmers – that has some 10,000 members. I often visit the group page as it has some great information and thousands of vetiver related photos. The new ideas and ways of managing vetiver on small farms and gardens are being generated and put into practice by this group.… Read the rest “Mitigating heat and drought in Vietnam using Vetiver Grass”