The Vetiver System for Contaminated Land
Apart from the mining sector, there are many occasions were VGT could be used to clean up contaminated land resulting from industrial spillage, storage, and more.

In many countries that burn coal for power generation the residual “fly ash” storage heaps are both a serious health hazard and are highly erodible. In India, Vetiver has been successfully used to mitigate the problem.

In Vietnam, the remnants of the Vietnam War’s “Agent Orange” – dioxin remains a serious health hazard in contaminated soils. Vetiver has been found to grow in such soils and is able to remove the dioxin, learn more Nghiên cứu triển khai công nghệ khai thác, sử dụng bền vững tài nguyên nước ở các vùng núi đá vôi Việt Nam, áp dụng thử nghiệm ở một số khu vực thuộc Công viên Địa chất Toàn cầu Cao nguyên đá Đồng Văn, tỉnh Hà Giang. (