Vetiver System for Agriculture and Aquaculture
VGT use as soil and water conservation purposes in itself cleans and removes toxic agricultural chemicals that may be in the soil or in the rain-water runoff. This is useful characteristic for those practicing organic farming who have to certify that their land is free of chemicals. More specifically VGT is used on farms for treating effluent from piggeries, cattle, and other livestock. Normally this is done through fairly simple phyto-evaporation systems using vetiver planted directly into the soil. Where there are effluent lagoons vetiver pontoons are becoming more common. In China one of our leading specialists in this area, Feng Ziyuan, has over 1000 piggery applicants for this practice.
An excellent paper From the University of Cantho, Vietnam, by Luu Thai Danh, Le Thanh Phong, Le Viet Dung and Paul Truong showing the impact of vetiver in treating effluent from a seafood processing plant. |