The Vetiver Network International

Transitioning Tropical Nations’ Economies towards Sustainable Survival

The Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT) contribution Climate instability and pollution have created considerable environmental, economic, and financial difficulties for tropical countries to the point that some are facing a very uncertain future, unless their economies begin transitioning to towards Sustainable Survival (SS). SS is defined as the coordinated and simultaneous management of water, air, soil, biodiversity, CO2 emissions/absorption and all related resources, to maximise the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable and harmonious manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems whilst they are all in a constant state of flux.… Read the rest “Transitioning Tropical Nations’ Economies towards Sustainable Survival”

Nature Based Infrastructure (NBI), the role for Vetiver Grass Technology

A recent report, ”How Can Investment in Nature Close the Infrastructure Gap?”, dated August  2021, from the Nature-Based Infrastructure Global Resource Center made the case for nature based solutions for the development and maintenance of infrastructure. Nature based infrastructure NBI is on average 50% cheaper and 28% better value for money. If used extensively it could save $248 billion out of an annual estimated $4.29 trillion cost annually for infrastructure in addition an estimated $189 billion could come from additional benefits.… Read the rest “Nature Based Infrastructure (NBI), the role for Vetiver Grass Technology”

Madam Zhang of Fuzhou, China.

  Liyu Xu, China Vetiver Network Coordinator, reported the recent death of Madam Zhang who was an early pioneer of vetiver for bioengineering applications in China.  I met her in 1997 at a Vetiver workshop that was held in Fuzhou, China. She proudly showed us the work she had done on stabilizing a very large batter slope at a highway interchange just outside of the city. It was not an easy slope and had been slipping.… Read the rest “Madam Zhang of Fuzhou, China.”


Dr Umesh Lavania of the Department of Botany at the University of Lucknow, India, and a longtime friend and member of the Vetiver Network International, has, with his team, identified and tested a new sterile vetiver clone named CIMAP-FORAGIKA. The clone is fast growing, has a superior root system, and 1.5 times the tillering rate of any other known vetiver clone. It is morphologically different with soft leaves, rich in protein and crude fiber, and low in carbohydrates.… Read the rest “A NEW VETIVER GRASS CLONE CIMAP-FORAGIKA”

International Vetiver Webinar on China

Hosted by the International Vetiver Network and organized by the China Vetiver Network, the International Vetiver Video Conference was successfully held on November 18, 2021. The people participating in the meeting wee from China, the United States, Thailand, Australia, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and India. In addition other attendees participated through the China Vetiver Network’s venue in Nanjing. The webinar was presided over by Dick Grimshaw, the Founder of the Vetiver Network International. The China Vetiver Network organized 4 speakers to give presentations at the webinar.… Read the rest “International Vetiver Webinar on China”

Vetiver Grass Technology for Landslide Mitigation

The location, in the vicinity of a hydro-electric power station in south China, suffered a serious landslide in 2000. Feng Ziyuan was contracted to repair the damage using vetiver. Four years later (2004) he returned to find native plants and shrubs growing profusely. In 2008 the person in charge in formed Feng Ziyuan that native shrubs and trees had covered the site and that no further slides had occurred – the site was stable. Photo 1: Landslide area before VGT mitigation

Vetiver Grass – “The Community Plant – The People’s Plant”

I wrote the following blog in 2006.  It is interesting that at that time we had quite a clear vision as to how vetiver grass could be used to help rural and poor communities. There are no quick fixes – change is a slow process that is difficult to speed up. “The Fourth International Conference on Vetiver (ICV4) was held in Caracas, Venezuela, in 2006 with the theme “Vetiver and People”. This is  a rather good name as Vetiver Grass is the “People’s Grass”, and has found to be very acceptable to communities when the latter have been properly advised about its application and uses.… Read the rest “Vetiver Grass – “The Community Plant – The People’s Plant””