The Vetiver Network International

Category: erosion

Vetiver Systems Applications in the Caribbean (TVNI – NL-2022-10)

  GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERECE — Oct 25 – 26, 2022. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. I was able to participate virtually for parts of this conference, organized by IAMovement and The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago. The…

Vetiver Systems for Disater Mitigation and Pollutioncontrol from Landfills (TVNI – NL-2022-09)

The Seventh international Conference on Vetiver – ICV7  VETIVER FOR SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION: In Commemoration of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great This long-delayed conference is now firmly scheduled from May 29 – June 1, 2023, in Chiang…

TVNI Technical Advisors – Ethiopian Research (TVNI – NL-2022-07)

TOP MONTHLY TVNI WEBSITE DOWNLOAD: The MANUAL ON THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF VETIVER GRASS (in Spanish) MANUAL SOBRE EL USO Y MANEJO DEL PASTO VETIVER (Chrysopogon zizanioides). This handbook/manual created by Julio Alegre Orihuela Ing. Agrónomo, MS, Ph.D  in…


The author of this post, Tho Ngo, works with an expanding group of Vietnamese farmers, who over the past few years have created much interest, both in Vietnam and globally, with regard to embedding the Vetiver System into Vietnamese farms,…

Women from Kerala (India) weave a solution to the region’s climate woes

Vetiver, as a grass, is well known in Kerala, particularly for its medicinal uses. Also there are some farmers in Kerala who have traditionally used vetiver on their farm boundaries for soil conservation purposes.  The organic spice unit of the…

Zimbabwe – A partnership for soil erosion and flood control using the Vetiver System

This post by Graham Dabbs (Igoda Farm) and Bruce Clegg (The Malilangwe Trust) describes a pilot program of soil erosion and flood control on unprotected farmland adjacent to an important wildlife conservancy in the lowveld of Zimbabwe. The conservation work,…


Jane Wegesa Fraser coordinates the Kenya Vetiver Network. She leads by “doing”.  Jane is one of the founders of PLUS-Kenya, a Kenya NGO now in operation for more than 10 years. From inception she has proven to be the powerhouse…

The Role Vetiver System can play in helping to achieve Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) “Vision 2050”

Robinson Vanoh and his company, Eagle Vetiver Systems Ltd, is the leader in Vetiver System (VS) applications in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Robinson is also a Board member of TVNI with special responsibilities for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in…

SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES (SIDS) – Important possibilities for the Vetiver System

Some of the oldest Vetiver System applications are on the Pacific Islands (Fiji) and the Caribbean (St Vincent and the Grenadines). These island states in development jargon are known as SIDS. Most of the SIDS are very small and are…

Vetivernews #1  – Vetiver and Climate Change — A newsletter from Colombia

Claudio Ruben Daza Jimenez and his company, VetiverCol, have been working with the Vetiver System for many years and is an important and well proven vetiver business in Colombia.  We encourage vetiver based companies to share their work, experience and…