The Vetiver Network International

Slope Stabilization and Land Restoration (mining) in China

Feng Ziyuan who owns and manages the oldest vetiver service company in China (more than 20 years) has been a serious contributor to the advancement of the Vetiver System. He sets high standards resulting in above average VS applications, and he has been generous in sharing his results. This short presentation “Vetiver System Technology Application” that he made recently relates to his slope stabilization, mine, and gully restoration applications . Feng is also involved with the deign and execution of phytoremedial applications of vetiver for the treatment of waste and other contaminated water. These include applications to treat  effluent from piggeries, domestic/community  sewage systems, and aquaculture enterprises. This photo is of Feng Ziyuan (left) and Xia Hanping (South China Institute of Botany – Xia was one of the leading vetiver researchers and won the Vetiver Champion Award at 3003 ICV4).
Some of Feng Ziyuans’s work can be found on TVNIs website and his most recent listed under the ICV7 conference proceedings

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  • On “serious Gully situation”
    They should plant Vetiver across the gully. When it grows it blocks rain water runoff and sediment is deposited behind the Vetiver hedge. Eventually sediment builds up to the original level of the surface hence healing the Gully. Vetiver Grass Technology is effective in treatment of gullies.