The Vetiver Network International

Category: slope stabilization

Coal Flyash Dump Successfully Stabilized with Vetiver Grass

When not stabilized and protected, fly ash dumps, associated with coal fired power generation plants, are serious health hazards due to heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, and As) in the fly ash dust and associated dumpsite leachates. These…

Vetiver Roots – The Hidden Half.

  This new book by Dr. Paul Truong provides a wealth of information on the function and unique role of the roots of vetiver grass that allow for a wide range of environmental mitigation. Paul Truong, TVNI’s Technical Director, has…

Vetiver Grass – “The Community Plant – The People’s Plant”

I wrote the following blog in 2006.  It is interesting that at that time we had quite a clear vision as to how vetiver grass could be used to help rural and poor communities. There are no quick fixes –…